Entries by Laura

Buy holidays, not things!

I’m working non-stop these days. I love my work, but I happen to spend pretty much all time that I’m awake, working. I work when I’m cooking lunch, when I’m taking a shower, and during my spinning class. I must admit –sometimes even when I do yoga (wroooong!!). Because when I’m not sitting in front […]

3 steps to attracting your perfect yoga holiday

My current job is a blessing –I get to travel a lot. Some days it’s only a few hours’ drive from where I live, other times, I get to work from some of the most remarkable cities on earth (London last week, for instance!). Even better –I get to travel for yoga, meeting amazing souls […]

10 reasons to travel to Spain

Ok, fine, I might be a little biased here, but hey, after I’ve travelled to many amazing countries in the world, I must admit that Spain has something special and it should be on everyone’s to-visit list. If you’re frowning right now, it’s most certainly because you’ve only scratched the surface. Let me give you […]

5 tips to stay grounded while traveling

Building some sort of routine is quite easy when you’re at home, where you are in control of your calendar and can fit in an agreeable schedule. However, when you travel, that rhythm is altered, and it can catch you off-guard. To set yourself out for an awesome trip, learn how to keep yourself grounded […]

How to truly enjoy your yoga retreat

Whether you have decided to go on a yoga retreat because you want to escape your daily routine, because you want to meet new friends, discover a new country, or really deepen your yoga practise, remember that a yoga retreat is only for you, and your personal growth. A retreat is the place where to […]

Why traveling makes us better yogis

Traveling is more than just stepping on new lands and trying new foods. It’s about meeting a new you, it’s a personal transformation, it’s a learning experience that propels us out of our comfort zone. Why do I travel? Well, I am in love with culture and languages. When I travel, I want to gain […]