Top 5 moments of our Yoga Your Heart retreat in Barcelona
Oh wow. It was only a couple of weeks ago, and it already seems like an eternity… This is what happens right after a retreat –you just wish it lasted forever, that that was your regular day to day, that you got to spend your days chilling, travelling, practising yoga, and spending your time with positive and fun people… but I’ll write about that some other day.
Today I want to remember the top 5 moments of our Yoga your Heart retreat in Barcelona a couple of weeks ago!
1. These yogis playing around at Barceloneta beach

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Well, this is what happens when you mix Spain and yogis coming from mostly northern latitudes…! 😉
Anna, our yoga teacher, invited us to play around with some postures and flows, and the group responded just taking off their shoes and socks and jumping right in!
2. A visit to the biggest Modernist site in the world
While many who have been in Barcelona before might have visited world-renowned sites like the Sagrada Familia or Park Güell, Sant Pau Modernist Site only opened its doors a few months ago, so I was sure none of the yogis in the group had had yet the chance to see it.
They were all utterly amazed at the typically Catalan architecture, the magnificence of the site, and the history of the buildings and the old hospital.
3. A yogi levitating down the stairs
This is just how yogis like to travel, you know. 😉
4. Magic and food
Well, this is the beauty of yoga retreats: you never know what talents the other people in your group may have. And as it turns out, they are usually very interesting and mostly entertaining! On this occasion, we had our own private magician!!! He left us all wondering and wow-ing with all his tricks!
Every time we sat down to eat some delicious croquetas and other tapas, Guillaume took out his pack of cards!
5. That moment when you complete a challenging sequence!

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Being it Valentine’s Day weekend, the focus of the retreat was on heart-opening postures and vinyasa sequences. Anna made us practise the following sequence: downward dog – leg up – bend and flip the leg to the floor to Camatkarasana – hand to the floor to Urdhva Dhanurasana.
That last step, placing your hand on the floor to full wheel, involves a major change in the position of the body. It may only look like a small shift in posture, but you have to be willing to open your chest and your heart without fear, and you have to trust yourself enough to know your hand will support you when you will be completely upside down.
On the first and second days of practise, I could not get myself to do it. I did not think my back, my wrists, my arms, my shoulders or my chest could support me. I thought I would break. Something changed on the third day of practise –my body, and my heart, had opened. I completed the sequence.
I was free, and I was happy.
Namasté, Anna. And namasté, to the wonderful yogis who joined us in Barcelona.
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